

CoolSculpting Q&A: ‘Are CoolSculpting results permanent?’

CoolSculpting Q&A: ‘Are CoolSculpting results permanent?’

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    If you have stubborn areas of unwanted fat that are preventing you from achieving the body you desire, you may be a good candidate for CoolSculpting!
    CoolSculpting® is a non-surgical body contouring procedure from ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. that is less invasive and has fewer risks compared to traditional liposuction.
    In this post, we’ll answer some of the most common questions patients have about this procedure with a Q&A on CoolSculpting (including whether or not CoolSculpting results are permanent).

    First, what is CoolSculpting?

    Answer: CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction technique that uses controlled cooling to freeze and ultimately destroy unwanted fat cells. Non-surgical CoolSculpting is a safe and efficient body contouring modality for individuals who want to improve their shape and sculpt their body, without surgery.
    CoolSculpting is FDA cleared* to treat the abdomen, thighs, flanks, back fat,  bra fat, and the pocket of fat just underneath the buttocks (often termed the ‘banana roll’). It also has a smaller handpiece that can be used to treat submental fat, which is fat below the chin.

    In the U.S., the CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-cleared* for the treatment of visible fat bulges in the submental area, thigh, abdomen and flank, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (also known as banana roll), and upper arm

    More info on FDA Clearance
    *In the U.S., the CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in the submental area, thigh, abdomen and flank, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (also known as banana roll), and upper arm. In China, the Cryolipolysis system is used for fat layer reduction of the abdomen and flanks. In Taiwan, the CoolSculpting procedure is cleared for the breakdown of fat in the flank (love handle), abdomen, and thigh. Outside the U.S., China and Taiwan, the CoolSculpting procedure for non-invasive fat reduction is available worldwide. [Source]

    How does CoolSculpting work?

    Answer: CoolSculpting is based on the proven science of cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis is a medical procedure that destroys fat cells by freezing, based on a controlled application of cooling at temperatures between +5 to −5 °C (41 – 23 °F).
    It involves a system in which temperatures are set to a level that kills the subcutaneous fat tissue. After extensive research, the patented cryolipolysis technology was developed into a technique known as CoolSculpting.
    The treatment time for CoolSculpting is about 60 minutes per treatment area.
    CoolSculpting involves the application of precise and controlled cooling at temperatures that destroy fat cells, but does not damage the overlying skin or surrounding structures such as blood vessels, tissues, and nerves. This is achieved because fat cells freeze at a much higher temperature than normal cells.
    The treated fat cells crystallize and die off, and in the months following treatment they are gradually eliminated by the body.  As a result of this process, the final results can take anywhere from 3-4 months to show.
    The treatment time for CoolSculpting is about 60 minutes per treatment area. The abdomen is considered one region, but a larger area like the flanks will require two treatments in order to treat both sides.
    Read more: CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction: What’s the difference?

    Watch a live demonstration of CoolSculpting on the Dr. Oz show:

    Is CoolSculpting painful?

    Answer: CoolSculpting is well-tolerated by most patients. There is some mild discomfort during the initial stages of treatment as the device suctions and freezes the treatment area, resulting in sensations of coolness until the area numbs.

    📌 Are CoolSculpting results permanent?

    Answer: The fat cells that are eliminated by CoolSculpting will not come back, they are permanently destroyed, and so in that respect the results of CoolSculpting are indeed permanent. The portion of fat cells that are killed by CoolSculpting are eliminated by the body and gone for good, which means there are fewer fat cells.
    Efficient: CoolSculpting reduces fat by about 20% per treatment.
    However, being able to maintain the results achieved with CoolSculpting has everything to do with sticking to a healthy lifestyle, and managing your weight. If you do gain weight the remaining fat cells will get larger, and of course that will increase your overall size. The number of fat cells won’t increase if you gain weight, but the fat cells that are there will expand.
    If you want to keep looking great in the long term then you will certainly have to pay close attention to eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise. That’s the best way to continue reaping the benefits of CoolSculpting.

    Are you a good candidate for CoolSculpting?

    Answer: CoolSculpting is designed for patients that are physically fit but have a few unwanted bulges in areas such as the abdomen or thighs, which they have been unable to decrease with diet and exercise. Treating those areas with CoolSculpting will therefore slim and contour the body. CoolSculpting is not a weight loss device, and is therefore not recommended for individuals that are obese.
    If you are considering CoolSculpting be sure to seek out a practice with a lot of experience performing the procedure. It is always advisable to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon, to determine if CoolSculpting is a suitable treatment for you.

    More Info

    Interested in fat reduction, but don’t want to consider surgery? CoolSculpting may be the right choice for you! You can also find more information to help determine if you’re a good candidate for CoolSculpting by clicking here.

    CoolSculpting near El Paso, TX

    If you are in the El Paso, TX area, contact El Paso Cosmetic Surgery to find out more about the procedure. Call 915-351-1116 today and schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ozan Sozer.

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