

Is There a Way to Get Rid of Cellulite Without Surgery?

Is There a Way to Get Rid of Cellulite Without Surgery?

    Woman Measuring Stomach

    What is cellulite?

    Cellulite is the dimpled skin that is commonly found on the thighs and buttocks. At its simplest cellulite is fat that pushes against the connective tissue of the skin, but it is not a fat problem. Although cellulite can be made worse by excess body fat, it can affect women of any size or shape.

    Why more women have cellulite

    Cellulite affects women more than it does men, because of the structure of the skin and the way in which fat is stored in women.  The primary reason cellulite occurs is because of the interaction of the fat layer and connective tissue bands beneath the skin’s surface.
    The connective bands of tissue are woven throughout the subcutaneous fat and pull down the skin, causing the fat to protrude between the bands. Since women have a higher percentage of subcutaneous fat as well as thinner skin, the fat layers tend to bulge through the skin a lot more.

    Causes of cellulite

    Medical researchers are not sure what causes cellulite, but it has been linked to several factors including hormonal changes, genetics, and weight fluctuations. While cellulite cannot be prevented, it is possible to minimize its appearance by pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle and diet factors can both influence cellulite development.

    Is there a way to get rid of cellulite without surgery?

    Yes, there is! Finding a non-surgical treatment for cellulite has been an enormous challenge for many years. However, there are now several non-invasive technologies available including Cellfina.
    Cellfina is a fast, minimally invasive, cost effective procedure that only takes 45 minutes to perform. It is considered the most effective non-surgical treatment for cellulite. The Cellfina system uses a small hand-held device to treat the structural cause of cellulite.
    Cellfina has quickly gained popularity because of its long lasting results, and high rate of patient satisfaction. It is FDA approved for reducing cellulite for up to 2 years, which is longer than the other non-invasive treatments now on the market.

    How Cellfina treatment works

    The Cellfina system uses a small device with a thin needle blade to release the bands that pull the skin down, and cause cellulite. The surgeon will first mark the dimpled areas being targeted for treatment, and afterwards inject a numbing solution into the dimples.
    The Cellfina device is then placed over the areas and it uses suction to pull up the skin, and then break the bands apart. Releasing the bands decompresses the fat, causing the skin to snap back into shape. The skin eventually smooths itself out, and in that way, cellulite dimples are corrected.
    One Cellfina session is all it takes to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks. It’s unlikely that you will need another treatment in the same areas, because the bands can’t come back together once they are broken. Cellfina works because it gets to the root of the problem that causes cellulite.

    What to expect

    Recovery time

    Recovery after Cellfina is minimal. Patients can expect to experience some bruising, swelling, and soreness, in the treated areas, but these side-effects are temporary and last only a few days.

    When you’ll see results

    Most people notice some changes within 3 days of treatment, but improvements will continue in the months that follow. For best results you need to maintain treatments.

    Cost of Cellfina

    To learn how much the procedure will cost, see this post by Dr. Kyle Song.

    Are you a good candidate?

    If you have cellulite dimples and are already committed to a healthy lifestyle, you made be a good candidate for Cellfina. However, Cellfina is not recommended for people with significant skin laxity.
    If you are considering Cellfina treatment, it’s advisable to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon.
    Clients in El Paso, TX, can contact Dr. Ozan Sozer of the El Paso Cosmetic Surgery. Call (915) 351-1116 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sozer.

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